From: Anonymous

I am lucky to have a family doctor but he is older and I fear his retirement. There won’t be one to replace him. Last September I had a TIA in Ontario so my initial assessment took place there. When I got back there was a follow-up to do. I still didn’t know the cause of the TIA. It took me till January to see a cardiologist who turned out to be a GP doing cardiology work because we don’t have enough cardiologists in Nanaimo. Then it took me till the beginning of July to get all the tests. I have never sat down with anyone to discuss any strategy other than medication now that I have a potential heart condition. No one has time. When your healthcare providers are working under such stress, you feel you must not bother them unless you have a dire situation. It takes 2-3 weeks to get in to see my GP and if I don’t have a good reason the appointment has to be over the phone.