Susan Youle
A story of two friends.
Friend one has had hip problems for years. She is 78 years old and until about six months ago was an active hiker, golfer, and gardener. In the fall of 2023, it was recommended she see an Orthopedic surgeon. After months of waiting she got in to see the surgeon on January 31st, 2024. Surgeon confirmed her hip was bone on bone and that she needed a replacement. He told her he had a light wait list as he was new and she would probably get in either May or June for surgery.
Friend two developed hip issues very suddenly in December 2023. She too is 78 years old and very active with several hiking groups. Her decline was more sudden than friend one and she saw a surgeon in February 2024. She was told the wait would be long, so she researched and found a clinic in Calgary that would take her on April 28th for $30,000 plus hotel and airfare. In the meantime, she was also given a surgery date in June of 2024 here in Nanaimo. She was literally unable to walk without a walker so she took the $30,000 route, flew to Calgary, got her surgery, and flew home again two days later, literally pain-free. She is now hiking again in July.
Friend one decided to go the same route and was given a surgery date of June 28th in Calgary. She saw the surgeon in Nanaimo to see if perhaps she could get a surgery date here and she was told it was out of his hands but he scared her into not going to Alberta with the threat of possible complications. She cancelled Calgary thinking she would get into Nanaimo soon. This week (2nd week of July 2024) she was told she is number 28 on the list and that the surgeon does about ten surgeries a month, so that puts her into about October. She greatly regrets canceling the Calgary surgery. She is nearly housebound, barely able to get around, and living in constant pain.
Why did friend two get offered an early surgery date in June and friend one still does not have one, even though she has been on the list longer. This is so unfair. People should not have to live in pain when they have looked after themselves, kept in shape, and done everything they have been told to do. This has to change. There is so much inequity in our medical system and nothing is transparent. There is no communication and people are left in limbo not knowing what to do. This treatment is outrageous! Why is private medicine allowed in Alberta and not in BC?